Code Unite

Project information

  • Category: Code Unite
  • Client: Personal
  • Project date: march, 2023
  • Project URL: GitHub Repo Link

CodeUnite is a collaborative platform for all the developers to work on the same code simultaneously. There is currently no product in the market that offers functionalities like ours, including fetching problem statements and validating test cases. Our target audience includes students participating in hackathons, industries that require multiple employees to work together, industries during their interviews and educational institutions where teachers can work parallel with students. This product aims to facilitate efficient collaboration among team members and improve the overall productivity of hackathon teams. Additionally, we provide features such as fetching of problem statements and validating their respective testcases, making CodeUnite a complete platform for teams to work together for competitive programming and improve their skillsets. We provide code compilation in almost all the trending programming languages. For individuals we have a points system which increases as the user gives a correct solution to a problem statement, giving the users the ability to have a track of their achievements in solving problem statements. An admin panel has being built which allows admin to add problem statements giving our users the ability to conduct coding competitions with custom problem statements and evaluating the scores on the basis of participants points.